Passage Planning Part 3

This post will focus on the “where of it all.” Wild Rumpus will cover a lot of territory between the shakedown cruise and the passage itself, so I’ll focus on those distances, destinations, and make an effort to put it all in perspective. And, the passage plan changed a bit since the earlier planning post, which I’ll cover as well.

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Passage Planning Part II

Lists, Lists, and More Lists

I make lists as a necessity in professional life since I have numerous projects going at once, all with different deadlines and often entirely different sets of rules governing those projects. Now, I’m taking that list-making mania to a whole new level as we prepare for Wild Rumpus’s delivery in Cape Town, plus the shakedown cruise and the Atlantic passage. Every other post or so, I’ll publish some of the preliminary lists for those who may be interested. In this first installment, a general inventory list and questions I still need answered.

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Passage Planning Part 1

The “When” of it all.

My last passage planning post was an admittedly premature textual discharge. Since then, I’ve taken some advice from Frankie Goes to Hollywood – – relaxed — slowed down — and just didn’t “do it” –again. (A dated joke for those old enough to remember the song.)

But now that the plans for the delivery of Wild Rumpus are firmed up, and we have estimated dates for the manufacturer-provided training, the shakedown cruise, and the passage itself, it is time to return to the topic. The adventure will begin just 14 months from now and the number of details to plan for is astonishing. So come on in, join my manic preparedness, and educate me with your comments.

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